Friday, April 10, 2015

Friday, April 10, 2015

Friday, April 10, 2015


1. Handbook Work:.

a. We will complete Worksheet #14 which covers pages 66-End of the Driver Handbook. 
b. Download the following Handbook Worksheet #14 make a copy, rename it, and complete the reading and answer the questions:

c. Discussion: What other important elements should we discuss? Other issues you would like to discuss?

2. Maintaining Your Vehicle:

a. What are some things that you need to regularly check and maintain on your vehicle?
b. What other things should be done periodically to make sure your cars runs well and runs safe?

3. Wrap-Up/Follow-Up

a. Get your permits, start or keep driving with your parents...

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Thursday, April 9, 2015


1. Handbook Work:.

a. We will complete Worksheet #13 which covers pages 61-65 of the Driver Handbook. 
b. Download the following Handbook Worksheet #13 make a copy, rename it, and complete the reading and answer the questions:

c. Discussion: What other important elements should we discuss? Other issues you would like to discuss?

2. Review Your Midterm Exam

a. You will be able to go through your test and score question by question. 
b. You will be able to look through the handbook to make sure you have the right answers.

3. Responding to an Emergency:

a. How do you react to emergencies?
b. What can you do to be better prepared for emergencies in the future?
c. What kinds of things should be in your car to deal with emergencies.

4. Wrap-Up/Follow-Up

a. Get your permits, start or keep driving with your parents...

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Tuesday, April 7, 2015


1. Handbook Work:.

a. We will complete Worksheet #12 which covers pages 56-60 of the Driver Handbook. 
b. Download the following Handbook Worksheet #12 make a copy, rename it, and complete the reading and answer the questions:

c. Discussion: What other important elements should we discuss? Other issues you would like to discuss?

2. Midterm Exam

a. We will take a midterm exam today. 
b. I will hand out the test. Do not write on this test.
c. Use the following answer sheet form to give your answers:

Midterm Answer Sheet Form

3. Finish the Midterm:

a. When you are finished with the midterm, you may leave for the day.
b. I will have your test scores next class.

4. Wrap-Up/Follow-Up

a. Get your permits, start or keep driving with your parents...

Monday, April 6, 2015

Monday, April 6, 2015

Monday, April 6, 2015


1. Handbook Work:.

a. We will complete Worksheet #11 which covers pages 51-55 of the Driver Handbook. 
b. Download the following Handbook Worksheet #11 make a copy, rename it, and complete the reading and answer the questions:

c. Discussion: What other important elements should we discuss? Other issues you would like to discuss?

2. Today's Unit of Study

a. I will cover today's material, "Sharing the Road," in class with video and discussion.

b. If you missed today, you will have to complete the work for Chapter 13 below:

Responsible Driving Chapter 13
a. Reading pages 231-249 of Responsible Driving.
b. Answer the Chapter Test questions on page 249. Use the following answer sheet to complete this assignment:

3. Next class will be the class Midterm Exam:

a. You may want to review the handbook and your notes.
b. Study hard.

4. Wrap-Up/Follow-Up

a. Get your permits, start or keep driving with your parents...