Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Tuesday, April 7, 2015


1. Handbook Work:.

a. We will complete Worksheet #12 which covers pages 56-60 of the Driver Handbook. 
b. Download the following Handbook Worksheet #12 make a copy, rename it, and complete the reading and answer the questions:

c. Discussion: What other important elements should we discuss? Other issues you would like to discuss?

2. Midterm Exam

a. We will take a midterm exam today. 
b. I will hand out the test. Do not write on this test.
c. Use the following answer sheet form to give your answers:

Midterm Answer Sheet Form

3. Finish the Midterm:

a. When you are finished with the midterm, you may leave for the day.
b. I will have your test scores next class.

4. Wrap-Up/Follow-Up

a. Get your permits, start or keep driving with your parents...

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